MyLocalStudy White Paper

Revolutionizing Clinical Trials Through a Comprehensive Patient Database

Executive Summary

The landscape of clinical trials is evolving, driven by a critical need for diverse, representative patient populations. MyLocalStudy is a cutting-edge, expansive patient database designed to bridge the gap between clinical researchers and patient populations, with a specific focus on rare diseases and minority populations. The database is inclusive, featuring a complete medical and demographic profile for each patient, spanning the entire United States, and offering unparalleled access to traditionally underrepresented groups in clinical research. Notably, 30% of the participants are minorities, addressing one of the most pressing concerns in clinical trial diversity. MyLocalStudy empowers researchers with the tools they need to recruit faster, more effectively, and with the confidence that their trials will produce comprehensive, generalizable results.

Background on MyLocalStudy

Founded in response to the increasing need for more representative and inclusive clinical trials, MyLocalStudy was created to address the systemic gaps in patient recruitment and trial diversity. Recognizing the underrepresentation of minority groups and the challenges of recruiting patients with rare diseases, MyLocalStudy set out to build a comprehensive, nationwide patient database that would facilitate quicker and more diverse recruitment efforts for clinical researchers.

In the early years of its development, MyLocalStudy focused on building partnerships with healthcare providers, academic institutions, and patient advocacy groups across the United States. These partnerships enabled the company to gather comprehensive medical and demographic data from a wide range of patient populations, particularly those suffering from rare diseases. By leveraging technology and working closely with patient communities, MyLocalStudy has built one of the largest and most diverse patient databases available for clinical research.

Today, MyLocalStudy is recognized as a leader in patient recruitment and a key player in the push for more inclusive, representative clinical trials. With an emphasis on transparency, ethical recruitment, and patient empowerment, the company has grown to become a trusted partner for pharmaceutical companies, academic researchers, and healthcare organizations seeking to conduct cutting-edge clinical research.

Mission Statement

MyLocalStudy’s mission is to advance medical research by connecting research sites, sponsors, and CROs with diverse and willing patient populations across the United States, with a particular emphasis on rare diseases and underrepresented minority groups. MyLocalStudy aims to reduce barriers to clinical trial participation, speed up recruitment timelines, and help generate clinical trial results that are reflective of real-world populations.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to evolutionize the clinical trial recruitment process by creating the most comprehensive, diverse, and ethically-managed patient database in the world. We strive to ensure that no patient is left behind in the research process and that every clinical trial has access to the diverse populations necessary to produce equitable and inclusive medical advancements.

Key Features of MyLocalStudy

Key Features of MyLocalStudy

1. Comprehensive Patient Profiles

Each patient in the MyLocalStudy database has a complete medical and demographic profile, enabling researchers to identify suitable participants with precision. This includes:

  • Medical history including diagnoses, treatments, and outcomes.
  • Current medications and past therapeutic interventions.
  • Socioeconomic and demographic data, including ethnicity, income levels, and geographic location.

2. Diversity and Inclusion

A major differentiator for MyLocalStudy is its commitment to diversity in clinical trials. With 30% minority representation, this database goes beyond traditional recruitment strategies, ensuring that underrepresented populations, including African Americans, Latinx, and Asian Americans, are well represented in clinical research. This is crucial for the development of treatments that are safe and effective for all population groups.

3. Focus on Rare Diseases

MyLocalStudy specializes in populations affected by rare diseases, which are often overlooked in large-scale clinical research due to small patient numbers. By aggregating data from across the country, MyLocalStudy provides researchers with access to a critical mass of rare disease patients, overcoming geographic barriers and enabling more robust clinical trials for conditions that are otherwise difficult to study.

4. Geographical Coverage

MyLocalStudy spans the entire United States, with patient data from all 50 states. This nationwide coverage allows for broader recruitment efforts and facilitates regional studies that account for geographic variances in disease prevalence and healthcare access.

5. Patient Willingness to Participate

The success of clinical trials often hinges on patient engagement and willingness to participate. Every patient included in MyLocalStudy has actively opted into the database and expressed a desire to take part in clinical research. This pre-consent minimizes the delay typically associated with recruitment, enabling trials to start faster and reducing the risk of trial failure due to under-enrollment.

Benefits to Clinical Researchers

1. Accelerated Recruitment

Recruiting patients for clinical trials is one of the most time-consuming aspects of the research process. MyLocalStudy significantly reduces the time required for patient identification and engagement by offering a pre-screened, pre-consented population ready for participation.

2. Improved Trial Outcomes through Diversity

Clinical trials that do not include a diverse patient population often yield results that are not applicable to the broader population. MyLocalStudy’s focus on diversity ensures that trials are more representative, leading to outcomes that can be generalized to the entire population. This is especially important for the development of treatments that must work across different genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

3. Rare Disease Focus

Researchers studying rare diseases face unique challenges, particularly in finding enough patients to conduct meaningful studies. MyLocalStudy addresses this by aggregating data on rare disease patients nationwide, providing a critical resource for researchers looking to conduct trials in these specialized areas.

4. Nationwide Access

With participants from across the United States, MyLocalStudy offers access to a geographically diverse population, allowing for trials that consider regional differences in healthcare access, environmental exposure, and disease prevalence.

Technological and Ethical Considerations

Technological & Ethical Considerations

1. Data Security and Privacy

Patient data security is a top priority for MyLocalStudy. The platform uses state-of-the-art encryption and complies with all relevant privacy regulations, including HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Patients retain full control over their data, with the ability to opt out of the database at any time.

2. Ethical Recruitment

All patients in the MyLocalStudy database have voluntarily opted in to participate in clinical trials. The platform adheres to the highest ethical standards in terms of patient consent and engagemen

Case Study:

Improving Trial Diversity & Speed

A recent clinical trial conducted through MyLocalStudy demonstrated the platform’s effectiveness in improving both recruitment speed and participant diversity. A pharmaceutical company testing a new treatment for a rare autoimmune disorder was able to recruit 400 patients from across 20 states in just 12 weeks, a task that would traditionally take six months or more. Of the 400 participants, 35% were from minority backgrounds, a significant improvement over typical recruitment figures.

The study yielded more comprehensive data on the efficacy of the treatment across different ethnic and genetic backgrounds, providing stronger evidence for the drug’s efficacy in a real-world setting. This accelerated timeline and enhanced diversity allowed the company to proceed to the next phase of the trial six months ahead of schedule.

Improving Trial Diversity & Speed: 400 Patients, 20 States, 12 Weeks, 35% from Minority Backgrounds
More Info

MyLocalStudy is poised to revolutionize the way clinical trials are conducted, offering unprecedented access to diverse and rare disease patient populations.

By providing a comprehensive, nationwide patient database, MyLocalStudy reduces recruitment times, enhances trial diversity, and enables researchers to conduct more meaningful and impactful studies. In an era where precision medicine and inclusivity are paramount, MyLocalStudy represents the future of clinical research.