Things to know before enrolling

Clinical trial results drive medical advancements and can make an incredible difference in the care of future patients. Through testing, scientists and medical doctors assess the benefits and risks of possible new treatment options. The information collected in studies provides the foundation for further development of medical procedures, devices, and drugs that will help our society be healthier.

Volunteering for a clinical trial can provide great benefits to participants. However, there are a few things you should consider and take into account before enrolling in a clinical trial.

Things to consider:

  1. It is important to know what will be required of you while participating in a clinical trial. Most trials require multiple visits, diagnostic testing, and other procedures.
  2.  While participants often benefit from close examination by doctors and other medical professionals and learn more about their health and how to manage medical conditions, direct medical benefits are not guaranteed when participating in a clinical trial.
  3.  Like in any other medical care routine, clinical trial participants may be exposed to some risk of harm. You will be made aware of any potential risks associated with a study before you decide to participate.

Questions to discuss (Information provided by

  1.  What is being studied?
  2.  Why do researchers believe the intervention being tested might be effective? Why might it not be effective? Has it been tested before?
  3.  What are the possible interventions that I might receive during the trial?
  4.  How will it be determined which interventions I receive (for example, by chance)?
  5.  Who will know which intervention I receive during the trial? Will I know? Will members of the research team know?
  6.  How do the possible risks, side effects, and benefits of this trial compare with those of my current treatment?
  7.  What will I have to do?
  8.  What tests and procedures are involved?
  9.  How often will I have to visit the hospital or clinic?
  10.  Will hospitalization be required?
  11.  How long will the study last?
  12.  Who will pay for my participation?
  13.  Will I be reimbursed for other expenses?
  14.  What type of long-term follow-up care is part of this trial?
  15.  If I benefit from the intervention, will I be allowed to continue receiving it after the trial ends?
  16.  Will results of the study be provided to me?
  17.  Who will oversee my medical care while I am participating in the trial?
  18.  What are my options if I am injured during the study?

Anyone interested in volunteering should ask and understand as much as possible about the study, the condition being assessed and feel very comfortable with their participation. Thankfully, there are regulations and ethical committees that ensure that clinical studies are as safe as possible and that participants of fully informed of the trial details before participation.

Thank you for taking interest in participating in a clinical trial! Your participation will likely be a great experience for you and you will be helping to advance medicine for generations to come. Click below to view current enrolling studies near you.

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