
Clinical Trial News & Information

World Alzheimer’s Month

World Alzheimer’s Month is a global campaign focused on raising awareness and challenging the stigma that surrounds dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease, but an umbrella term used to describe a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of all dementia cases.

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The ABC’s of Clinical Research

If you’re thinking about volunteering for a clinical research study, it can be intimidating when you don’t fully understand the process and the different research terms. We’re here to help make things a little easier to understand when it comes to some commonly used terms and phrases in clinical research trials. First off, rest assured

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Common Myths Related to Clinical Trials

Clinical trials play a crucial role in advancing medical research. Many people are often hesitant to consider participating in a clinical research trial because they don’t fully understand the process, or they’ve heard some misleading things. Let’s discuss some of the many common myths surrounding clinical trial participation. Myth 1: Clinical trial participants are just

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The Personal Side of Clinical Trials

It was fall 2012 and the air was crisp outside. Inside, it was just another chaotic day at work. My coworker and friend Drea hadn’t been feeling well and the whole office was feeling the effects. She was always full of laughter, jokes, and had a bright demeanor but something was just…off. When we all finally

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Why Do We Need Clinical Trials?

An ad for an osteoarthritis clinical research study comes across your newsfeed one day while browsing Facebook. Your OA has been tough to manage, and you notice that no insurance is required to participate in the study and that you may even be compensated for study-related time and travel. You’re not really sure what’s involved,

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Clinical Trials Q&A

Clinical trials, clinical research, research studies, clinical research studies…pretty soon it all starts to run together and may get pretty confusing. If you’re thinking about participating in a clinical trial, that last thing you want to be is confused. You should feel comfortable and at ease, and have the ability to ask any questions that

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