
Clinical Trial News & Information

What we've learned from COVID, blog, clinical research

What We’ve Learned from COVID

To date, 30 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the United States, and over 540,000 related deaths. Over the last year, global efforts have contributed to the availability of multiple therapies, vaccines, and diagnostic tools to the public to fight the virus effectively. Though prevalent, COVID-19 comes in 3rd on the list of

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Flu vs. COVID-19 vaccine, woman with pointing finger

Flu Vaccine vs. COVID-19 Vaccine

All of us have heard how the coronavirus is just like the flu, or how the flu kills more people each year than COVID-19. The reality is, though they both share similarities, there are real differences that set these two apart. These differences also explain why vaccines are necessary for both the flu and COVID-19

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Research studies, map

Taking Local Research Studies Across the World

Research studies help make advancements in the detection, treatment, and prevention of medical conditions possible. Currently, 349,708 research studies are covering all 50 states and 216 countries. While the global effort shows prevalence in available study options, none of these advancements are possible without volunteers participating. Imagine as a committed research volunteer being able to

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What You Missed During COVID19

COVID-19 seems like an all-consuming black hole sucking all of our energy, attention, and plans. Fortunately, the world has continued to move forward despite this. Research is one of those areas the world has a spotlight on for COVID-19 related vaccines and treatments. As we all know, other diseases exist outside of the coronavirus that

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COVID Myths COVID-19 is the bane of everyone’s existence now. Researchers and health officials are working around the clock to find effective ways to prevent, treat, and cure the virus. Several treatments are close to releasing, even some being approved in extenuating circumstances. However, a vaccine still appears to be months away. The truth is

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Summer, Volunteering, and COVID19

COVID-19 has put a damper on many things. Businesses have had to let people go because they cannot sustain revenues, and we are on the choppy ride of the second wave of the virus infection. Most schools are out for the summer, and many are left wondering when it will end, and what they can

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