Back into Society – COVID-19

In May, each state began the process of phasing us back into society amid a still very active COVID-19 pandemic. Many tossed aside their masks and went back to their usual way of doing things. Others are staying home and waiting out a vaccine or for an “all clear.” Some are cautiously heading out and …

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COVID-19 Clinical Trial Updates – May 2020

COVID-19 remains on the tip of everyone’s tongue, and with each state varying it’s reopening stances and policies, many wonder about vaccines and treatment options. But vaccines and treatments don’t just “appear” one day and are available for everyone. They go through a clinical trial process to determine a vaccine or treatment’s safety and effectiveness. …

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Coronavirus – How it Spreads and How Vaccines Work

Chances are, there’s not a day that goes by where you don’t hear the words coronavirus. The virus has gripped the world, leaving many glued to their television sets, phones, or other communication devices. With substantial evidence contributing to the fear, the false information floating around further compounds the issue. Through reliable sources, we have …

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Why Are There So Many Awareness Days?!

The answer is simple. Human connection is one of the most significant tools we have to things like health conditions, environmental impacts, social injustice, and more. Awareness events provide an outlet for those connections so we can rally together and show support for the things we are passionate about. There are so many awareness events …

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Clinical Trial Myths We Hate

Clinical trials are conducted on every FDA approved treatment, medication, and therapy. These trials ensure the safety and effectiveness of every study drug, device, and diagnostic tools that are currently available. Human volunteers participating in clinical research make these new options possible. As beautiful as these medical advancements sound, there is still a lot of …

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3 Reasons to Love Clinical Trials

Imagine being told that your 17-year-old daughter has osteosarcoma, an aggressive bone malignancy with one of the lowest survival rates for pediatric cancer. That was the reality Maddy Oliver’s parents faced in 2014. Maddy gained access to a clinical trial through her treating physician and is now attending college as an average, healthy adult. There are many …

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Traveling with an Illness: Holiday Special

The holidays are quickly approaching, and that means that millions will begin booking flights and other travel plans. Traveling in an everyday situation can be stressful but going with an illness can be even more challenging. However, through planning and preparation, you can make any traveling experience easier moving forward. Planning and Preparation Traveling with …

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Everything You Need to Know About Alzheimer’s

It is estimated that 5.5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s-related dementia. A new person is diagnosed every 66 seconds. There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, but knowing your family history and the signs, can put you on the path to early intervention. Defining Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. Scientists …

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Keep Your Patients Interested: Tips & Tricks

Between seeing patients for other studies, attending SIVs, compliance reviews, and recruitment meetings, finding time to call those leads is tough. No big deal, right? Wrong.  When a person submits their application, you are at the very peak of interest at that moment. Almost immediately, the excitement begins to lessen, disappearing a little bit at …

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September Is Pain Awareness Month: Living with Pain Is No Joke

Arthritis, migraine headaches, celiac disease…all of these conditions have one thing in common – PAIN! Living with pain is no joke. It can be debilitating and affect everyday life. The month of September has been declared Pain Awareness Month in an effort to raise public awareness about pain and pain management. The American Chronic Pain …

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